Commercial Services

Intelligent automation for commercial premises and custom applications
We offer a large portfolio of high-quality products, user-friendly applications and intuitive programming software creating an unparalleled ecosystem with a range of open interfaces. This makes Loxone a fully-scalable solution perfect for MDUs, hotels, offices, as well as other commercial and custom applications.
If you have a particularly large project, several Miniservers can be merged in a gateway/client grouping. This increases capacity and enables automation on a large-scale.
The gateway Miniserver combines all of the respective sub-areas together and forms a comprehensive system with an accompanying app. Should the maintenance or expansion of an individual sub-area be needed, all other sub-areas will continue to run autonomously. Due to the gateway/client relationship of the Miniservers, any updates can be handled locally.
Our extensive product range means you can get all of your components for your commercial project from just one source. Our products enable the intelligent automation of lighting, heating, audio, security, shading and so much more, all from within one eco-system.